mandag den 22. november 2010

The social network

Just been watching the movie the social network. What an amazing film!
I cant figure out if I believe that Zuckerberg is such an asswhole, that he as I see it are being set up in the movie. Or are they trying to show a "kid" who rolled to fast and was pushed to a world who expanded to fast for him to realize ?

Was Zuckerberg in complete control all the time ? I have alot of doubt about alot of things after seeing the film. About the man which is forming the net as a social media, at this very moment. I want to know more !

søndag den 21. november 2010

Robyn is just amazing

I just love this track by the swedish pop singer Robyn. Its one amazing track, and especially in the end where it gets a old 80'ties game sound over it. Like an old amiga500 game demo or something to it....

She has an amazing time atm, I would say she is on the top of her game atm.